
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
The Peruvian Healer (Katherine WONG, The Andean Apothecary)
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Shanghai is one of those magical places where people can somehow become who they were always supposed to be. This is what happened to Katherine Wong, who decided one day to quit her corporate job, and start earning a living by sharing her knowledge of traditional Peruvian remedies with customers in China.
Growing up in Peru with a Taiwanese father, a Bolivian mother, and a nanny from the Amazonian jungle, Katherine is perfectly placed to describe the links between Peru and China, as well as explore the similarities and differences in their beliefs and superstitions.
The episode also includes a catch-up interview with Angie WU from Season 01 Episode 18. (https://mosaicofchina.com/season-01-episode-18-angie-wu).
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:37 - Part 1
17:17 - Part 2
23:16 - Outro
25:43 - Catch-Up Interview
Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at https://mosaicofchina.com/season-02-episode-04-katherine-wong.
Join the community on Instagram (https://instagram.com/oscology), LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/mosaicofchina), Facebook (https://facebook.com/mosaicofchina) or WeChat (https://mosaicofchina.com/wechat).

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
The Streetwise Sinologist (CHANG Chihyun, History Professor)
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
There are some professors who can justifiably be accused of living in their own little academic bubbles, but Professor Chang Chihyun is not one of them.
In today's episode, Chihyun talks about his experiences in the world of unversity education in China, and shares a few morsels of his knowledge of history and sinology along the way.
The episode also includes a catch-up interview with Tom BARKER from Season 01 Episode 25. (https://mosaicofchina.com/season-01-episode-25-tom-barker).
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:49 - Part 1
20:23 - Part 2
27:51 - Outro
30:10 - Catch-Up Interview
Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at https://mosaicofchina.com/season-02-episode-03-chang-chihyun.
Join the community on Instagram (https://instagram.com/oscology), LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/mosaicofchina), Facebook (https://facebook.com/mosaicofchina) or WeChat (https://mosaicofchina.com/wechat).

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
The Streetside Foodie (Jamie BARYS, UnTour Food Tours)
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Food can be a window into a culture. But it can also be a barrier, especially when it comes to street food. Many can be intimidated to communicate with hawkers who often speak with strong dialects. And many can be turned off by hole-in-the-wall establishments, where there's no fancy décor, and definitely no English menu.
Jamie Barys has made it her mission to remove these barriers, by offering tours that uncover some of the hidden delights of Chinese cuisine. In this episode, she reveals some of her favourite lesser-known dishes, explains the history and legends behind them, and also discusses how she has managed to pivot the focus of her business which, until 2020, had been reliant on tourists from outside of China.
The episode also includes a catch-up interview with Lexie COMSTOCK from Season 01 Episode 20. (https://mosaicofchina.com/season-01-episode-20-lexie-comstock).
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:18 - Part 1
18:12 - Part 2
25:51 - Outro
28:24 - Catch-Up Interview
Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at https://mosaicofchina.com/season-02-episode-02-jamie-barys.
Join the community on Instagram (https://instagram.com/oscology), LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/mosaicofchina), Facebook (https://facebook.com/mosaicofchina) or WeChat (https://mosaicofchina.com/wechat).

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
The Trend Tracker (Stéphane WILMET, L’Oréal China)
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
With thirty years at L'Oréal, and fifteen of those in leadership roles in mainland China, Stéphane has made a career of anticipating trends in China, and catering to the needs of the powerful and illusive 'Chinese consumer'.
In this episode, we discuss the art and science of consumer insight analysis, through the prism of the beauty industry. We talk about the correlation between beauty and technology, and observe the new trends that are emerging in a post-COVID world.
The episode also includes a catch-up interview with Sanford BROWNE from Season 01 Episode 29. (https://mosaicofchina.com/season-01-episode-29-sanford-browne).
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
02:15 - Part 1
20:04 - Part 2
30:11 - Outro
32:00 - Catch-Up Interview
Subscribe to the PREMIUM version, see the visuals, and/or follow the full transcript for this episode at https://mosaicofchina.com/season-02-episode-01-stephane-wilmet.
Join the community on Instagram (https://instagram.com/oscology), LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/mosaicofchina), Facebook (https://facebook.com/mosaicofchina) or WeChat (https://mosaicofchina.com/wechat).

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Mosaic of China with Oscar Fuchs: Season 2 Trailer
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Hello, I’m Oscar. In this trailer, I introduce the new features of Season 2 of the Mosaic of China podcast, including the PREMIUM version of the show that is now available on Patreon (https://patreon.com/mosaicofchina), and the new transcripts of the show (https://mosaicofchina.com/transcripts).
The transcripts have been designed for anyone whose first language isn’t English, or for listeners with hearing impairments, or for any English speakers who want to follow the words that are spoken in Chinese on the show. The PREMIUM version of the show will include an average of 10-20 minutes of extra content for every episode, accumulating to up to 10 hours of extra content over the course of the entire season. This is what I came up with to keep the show free from advertising, while at the same time create a way to accept donations towards the cost of putting this all together. So if you have anything to spare, and you want to help fund this independent project as an early Christmas present, please head over to https://patreon.com/mosaicofchina, and you can look forward to getting some great extra content too.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: https://facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: https://mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Season 1 Compilation: Chinese Phrases
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
If you were asked to name your favourite phrase in Chinese, would you choose something you hear every day in China like 差不多, 哎哟, and 没有? Or would you choose something deeper which reveals layers of meaning like 一山不容二虎, 养儿防老 and 而遇而不可求?
In today's final compilation episodes from Season 1, the guests discuss their favourite words and phrases in Chinese. So get ready to make notes in case you want steal any of them for yourself!
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:07 - Main
16:12 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Season 1 Compilation: China Hangouts
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
In today’s penultimate compilation episode from Season 1, we’re talking about the favourite places people like to frequent in China. And since this first season has focused on resident of Shanghai, the resulting answers are a love letter to all the restaurants, bars and cafés of this vibrant world-class city.
Whether you’re looking for recommendations of street food, high-end restaurants, bars, clubs, coffeeshops, malls or even supermarkets, you should find some inspiration from today’s episode.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:37 - Main
19:59 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Season 1 Compilation: WeChat Stickers
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
The Mosaic of China podcast has been designed to have visual elements that can be enjoyed alongside its audio episodes. Today’s show is the biggest test of that theory, since it’s a compilation from Season 1 of the guests’ answers to the question: “What’s your favourite WeChat sticker?”.
In the same week that Donald Trump has threatened to ban WeChat from the United States, we take a look at one of the most popular features of the app that’s ubiquitous in China: the sticker function. And as you’re listening to the episode, ask yourself what your favourite WeChat sticker would be, and what that choice would say about you.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:52 - Main
19:10 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Season 1 Compilation: China Bests & Worsts
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
This episode will touch a nerve with a lot of people. It’s a compilation of the things that the guests from Season 1 would miss the most and miss the least if they were to leave China. It was designed as a hypothetical question, but has now become a sad reality for those who left China temporarily during the pandemic but now, six months later, still have no way of returning.
It is also the one question that elicits answers that might include some of the nuisances and frustrations that you pick up on in everyday life, allowing the guests the opportunity to vent a little. But I wonder now, if we were all forced to leave China, would the things that we thought we would miss the least, actually become the things about which we reminisce the most?
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
02:09 - Main
22:09 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Season 1 Compilation: China News Sources
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
The topic of where we get our information has been in centre stage across the world, as societies debate the ideals of press freedom versus the dangers of fake news. So when I asked the 30 guests from Season 1 of the podcast about their favourite sources of information in China, I had no idea what kind of answers I would receive.
The picture that emerged is an array of news and information sources, some of them official, others personal; some of them industry-specific, and others in the form of social media aggregators. And we see that, notwithstanding the very specific media landscape we experience in China, there are plenty of great information resources to discover.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:02 - Main
17:18 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat