
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
The Dance Curator (Sabrina CHEN, Shanghai International Dance Center)
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
As Programme Director of China's first and only theatre complex specifically dedicated to dance, Sabrina Chen knows a thing or two about reading the China arts scene. In our chat, she compares the audiences in Shanghai to those of other cities in China and around the world.
To many people (your host included) contemporary dance can at first seem like an esoteric and abstract art form, which can only appeal to a small group of expert connoisseurs. But Sabrina helps to dispel this idea, and her passion is, for want of a better word, contagious.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
02:22 - Part 1
18:12 - Part 2
24:53 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
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WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
The Consular Kiwi (Tom BARKER, New Zealand Deputy Consul-General)
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
International diplomacy can deal with matters of global consequence such as trade and the environment. It can deal with the deeply personal aspects of helping nationals in distress overseas. And it can also deal with the mundane drudgery of working in a large bureaucracy. In my conversation with Tom Barker, the New Zealand Deputy Consul-General in Shanghai, we cover all of these aspects in our short time together.
I couldn’t possibly talk to a diplomat from New Zealand without bringing up the character Murray Hewitt from the HBO Series “Flight of the Conchords”. So if you’ve never heard of this TV series, then I would highly recommend watching an episode or two after listening to this podcast.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
02:11 - Part 1
15:52 - Part 2
24:12 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
The Ode Decoder (Gigi CHANG, Literary Translator)
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
We all take translation and translators for granted these days. There are now apps on your phone that can translate inputted text, can magically convert text within photos, and can even simultaneously translate audio as you’re speaking. But once you listen to Gigi Chang talk about the philosophy behind her work translating literary texts, you’ll know that there can be no substitute to the human touch.
If you’ve worked in any kind of international arena, you will have had some experience in having work translated, be it for marketing slogans, short texts, or longer pieces. So I hope that listening to this episode will give you a broader appreciation of the process behind it.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:21 - Part 1
17:32 - Part 2
25:00 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
The Running Addict (Greg NANCE, Ultramarathon Runner and CEO)
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Greg Nance’s business is in China, but his story will resonate with anyone around the world who is addicted to their life pursuits. For Greg, his addictions include ultramarathon racing, and his education business.
If you’re a cynic, you’ll immediately be turned off by the idea of listening to someone as positive and accomplished as Greg. And about 5 minutes into our conversation, we talk about this directly. What ensues is an interview that was highly personal and highly unexpected. If you are inspired by co-founders, endurance athletes and motivational speakers, you will love this episode. And if you absolutely loathe co-founders, endurance athletes and motivational speakers, you will love this episode too, I promise.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
00:44 - Part 1
26:20 - Part 2
34:13 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
The Immersive Producer (Roz COLEMAN, Sleep No More)
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
At the time of recording, Roz Coleman was the International Company Manager of the immersive theatre experience “Sleep No More” in Shanghai. This has given Roz a unique appreciation of audience responses in different countries and cultures, and during our short chat she shares some great observations about human behavioural traits in China.
The obvious irony is that our discussion covers audience behaviour in environments where people are crammed together and inhabiting each other’s space. Well of course that’s not what we’re experiencing now in February 2020, with most facets of everyday life on lockdown in China. I hope that my chat with Roz will be a good reminder that our current situation is only temporary.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
02:33 - Part 1
14:19 - Part 2
26:13 - Outro
28:25 - Easter Egg
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
The Broadcast Master (YANG Yi, Co-Founder, JustPod)
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Yang Yi is a Chinese editor, a broadcaster, and one of the trailblazers in the new world of podcasting in China. He is the host of two podcasts, a culture-themed show called "Left-Right", and a show called "Go! LIVE" where he invites reporters in China to share their eperiences in journalism. And he is also co-founder of the "JustPod" company, which currently produces four original and three branded podcasts.
Yi and I discuss his personal experiences of growing up with broadcast media in China, and he makes some great observations about China's media landscape from the 1990s to today. While our interview was recorded many weeks before the coronavirus outbreak, some of the things we discuss will resonate with anyone observing how the issue is being handled in the Chinese and Western media.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
03:22 - Part 1
18:26 - Part 2
29:29 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
The Cookie Empress (Lexie COMSTOCK, Strictly Cookies)
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Lexie Comstock is the Founder of Strictly Cookies, and we’ve known each other now for over four years. I thought I knew all about her when we sat down for our conversation. But just like an unexpectedly under-baked cookie, Lexie's story was notable for being surprisingly raw in parts. I was amazed to hear what she had been through in the early days of setting up her cookie empire, and inspired by her continued positivity.
I apologise in advance for the parts of this interview which make you want to jump up and raid your cupboards for sweet treats. You have been warned.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:18 - Part 1
14:51 - Part 2
23:39 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
The Events Entrepreneur (Stephane DE MONTGROS, Riviera Events)
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Stephane de Montgros first came to China as an engineering graduate, and today is the Director of an events and hospitality company. In our conversation, we trace this circuitous career path, and make observations about the current state of the hospitality and tourism industry in China and beyond. If you’re curious to know about how hotels in China are coping with societal, environmental, and technological changes, then this conversation should be a great starting point.
Apart from these industry observations, Stephane also shares his practical attitude towards entrepreneurialism in China, and his positivity and enthusiasm is truly infectious.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
01:46 - Part 1
15:20 - Part 2
22:36 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
The Jewelry Craftsman (Angie WU, AWÜ Studio)
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
I didn't know I was interested in the art of jewellery design until I met Angie. Maybe that's because I didn't think about the precision of the tool-work; maybe it's because I didn't pay attention to the forms and structure of precious metals; or maybe it's because I've never met anyone as unique as Angie Wu.
Angie has a fascinating background, and it was a joy to spend a short time together in her company, and learn about her art and her clientele. I hope you'll enjoy it too.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
00:55 - Part 1
14:40 - Part 2
22:30 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
The Aussie Opportunist (Simon MANETTI, Kantar Consulting)
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
It's time to relect on the end of the year, and the end of the decade. So as you’re listening to Simon Manetti reflect on his last 10 years of choices and chances in China, take a moment to think about the forces that brought you to where you are today. Some of you might look back on your decade as a series of rational and linear decisions. Well congratulations to you. Personally I relate more to Simon: some rational decision; a few irrational ones thrown in; and otherwise a combination of luck, fate and opportunism.
Thank you to Simon for being so open, eloquent, and... relatable.
00:00 - Trailer & Intro
02:05 - Part 1
19:55 - Part 2
24:22 - Outro
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oscology
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mosaicofchina
WeChat: www.mosaicofchina.com/wechat